A couple of weeks ago I was taking out boxes of books from my attic to put out on some new bookshelves we bought. After 6 years of living in this house we thought maybe it was time to finish unpacking. Well one of the boxes that we dragged down down from the attic turned out to not be books but rather a box of memories. It had my old year books in it (yikes!). It had letters from old friends and old boyfriends, it had things like the number I wore when I ran the NYC marathon, my finishing certificate. Isn't it amazing what a box of memories can bring back? I found a thank-you note in there from my old high-school principle from when I had done devotions. An old high-school paper I had written that had notes on it from my favorite teacher telling me that it was one of the best papers he had ever read. It was unbelievable how some things so forgotten for so long could be brought back so vividly. I definitely recommend keeping a box of memories, even what you are sure is going to be insignificant can be fun to look through 10-15 years down the road when life is so different from where it was! By far the most fun was the pictures. I will try to control myself and not post ALL of them..but some of them must be shared.
Me BEFORE the marathon.....

Some memories were more poignant than others. I found pictures of me with ex-boyfriends.

THIS is my first love Matt. I also found some old diaries. I am SUCH a girl!! It was funny reading through those. Have you ever heard Garth Brooks' song "Unanswered prayers"? The main line is "Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers, remember when your talking to the man upstairs that just because He doesn't answer doesn't mean He don't care. Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers". I don't usually take my philosophy from Garth Brook songs..honestly. But I think he might be on to something here. ;-) Looking back I can honestly tell you I don't think that I would do things all that differently. Matt played a big part in my life, he was a piece of the puzzle, or yarn that is forming into the larger picture or tapestry of my life...BUT he broke my heart.
I read through part of the diary and it was fairly ironic all these years laer, parts of it. I talk at one point about having Matt call me talking about getting together, and another friend Mark coming to see me in the city to take me to a Broadway play, and about going out with Tim. I follow that up with " you would think that I had a very full social calendar and would never worry about being alone but I don't see it really going anywhere with any of those guys! (HA!). My last entry was the one that got me though. There was almost a quarter of the diary left so I would guarantee you that I did not know at the time that I wrote it that it would be my last entry but I said "what a difference a year makes, aren't I glad that I am not the one ultimately in charge". Have truer words ever been said? I can tell you looking back now that "what a difference 10 years make, aren't I glad that I am not the one ultimately in charge."
What a great entry! I keep a journal as well, and my parents have a "box of memories" hidden away down in the basement. One of our Christmas traditions, when we're pulling out Christmas decorations, is to go through these boxes. I also like to read through my old journals at the end of each year. It's amazing to see the way we thought things were, and then to see how they really turn out.
AWESOME post -- would have preferred you left the hideous picture from the marathon day off though. Oh, and please let's never speak of Matt again please!!
Nice. God is good and I'm mighty glad he is in charge. Nice chatting today. Thanks for listening to me whine. I really should concentrate more on the good then the bad, I know.
It's almost 10 years since we all met. It seems like yesterday and yet, it seems like worlds ago. Maybe a taste of how God views time?
This is great. We have boxes in our attic that haven't been unpacked since moving here. I'm a little afraid to go through them because the process of remembering and reminiscing always takes me days. I love it. And the scuba picture! I've never seen you blonde! I've known you for four years and have never seen you with that color. I think it's time for a change, Kell! ;)
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