OK so I am new at this blogging thing.....but apparently I was 'tagged' in someone's blog and I am supposed to 'tag' HER in mine...and do a meme thing? Whatever...I'm game.
6 Things I Value: My engagement ring. OK...I KNOW how materialistic and 'shallow' that might sound when others are writing things like ...."faith' but the word 'value' actually has a definition and part of it is what is something worth to YOU vs. what they are worth to the rest of the world. If someone came up to me today and offered me 10x what my engagement ring appraised for in order to buy it from me, I would turn them down without considering the offer. I value it for all that it represents.
silence. Say what you want you try going without it for a couple of days...then see how high it is on the list of things YOU value!
honesty: I cant' stand being lied to
faith, certainty, world peace, my health.
Those are not listed in order of what I value most to the least...just written down.
6 Things I Support:
My local community blood center-easiest way in the world to save a life and give something back
my local pregnancy resource center "Don't tell them Jesus loves them till you're ready to love them too"
locally grown produce
BUY AMERICAN "Might as well if not it's going to cost you $25 billion PLUS the cost of your subaru!)
6 Things I do NOT support:
People collecting money in cans (or fireman's boots) at intersections. (!!!!!)
Amnesty for illegals
Government bailout of Wall St.
Philosophies that 'save the trees and kill the children'
"tolerance" for tainted truth or un-biblical values and standards in a church
my local bagel shop...(it's time for them to catch up to the times & start taking credit cards.)
Alright that's it....my first 'meme' still don't know what that means or what it is....but hopefully my first was not a complete failure.