Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Best Grammy EVER!

NO attempt to chronicle the important going ons in my children's life would nearly be complete without telling of the shopping trip that Kaity recently went on with Grammy and Myia.  
   I don't know how or when my mom came up with the idea....but she did and followed through in no time at all.  She found out when she could take a couple of days off of work in a row, booked a hotel room and they were ON their way.  
  Don't get me wrong I TRIED to talk Kaity out of going...oh I tried (knowing I would fail).  I asked her every day if she was SURE that she wouldn't just rather stay home with me (she was sure)....didn't she think that she was going to miss me too much (I'll miss you bu
t it's OK.).   She VERY impatiently counted down the days till they were going saved her own money ($17) and bounced off with grammy without so much as a single look back at her mom who was/is  pretty sure that her baby girl is WAY too young to be going off without her. They  stayed in a hotel room, and watched t
v and ate 'junk food' (all food was junk food merely because it was being eaten while on the shopping trip with grammy).  There was a pool in the hotel room and it was on THIS trip...under the supervision of GRAMMY (not her own mother who took her to a pool nearly every day this summmer...not that I'm bitter...much) that Kaity got over her aversion to putting her head under the water and did it over and over again. 
They went to Hershey where Kaity from the picture below apparently got into some sort of altercation that required her to demand her union rep be called in to mediate. 

I am just happy that SOME work was required of them after all the shopping and spoiling that was being done too them! 

Oh did I mention the shopping? There was apparently quite a bit of that going on...Most of the outfits that were bought had to be matching.  They also ate at Perkins quite a bit because according to Myia & Kaity  "they know how to make the best pancakes".  
Of course like everything else all good things must come to an end.  So finally it was time to pack up their bags, put on some new clothes ...and head home. It's still all that Kaity will talk about.  Every time she sees Grammy she asks her when they are going to go again.  Today we decorated a piggy bank so that she has somewhere to put all the money that she is saving for the next time that she goes shopping with Grammy.  She is particularly fussy about the clothes that they bought on the trip..Rodney can't pull on them, they can't get dirty, must be put away because "grammy says we have to take care of our clothes.".     They have plans for this being at LEAST an annual event.  I can only imagine the memories that will be formed over the years as I am still hearing all the memories of this one! 
Thanks Grammy (mom to me).  You really are the best! 

1 comment:

bookwormlgi said...

Oh my heavens, not only do I have the most beautiful mother in the world -- I have the most perfect nieces too! I'm so jealous of how much fun they had.