Well I drove back from Ocean City Wed. Aug. 20th-spent the 21st doing laundry and re-packing everything because August 22nd we piled the whole family in the car and headed for the Outer Banks for North Carolina. ON the way down we stopped in Salisbury, MD for the night to break the trip up. We got a hotel with a pool so that the vacation memories could start right away. The next day we figured that we had about 3 to 3 1/2 hours until we got to our vacation destination. We WOULD have been right except that we had completely underestimated the traffic getting off and on the island. THe last 13 miles of our trip took us a little over 3 hours!! BUt we finally arrived. 

The vacation was amazing. The house was beautiful. We had a private pool and hot tub in the back yard. Everything was new construction. From the deck looking one way you saw the ocean and looking the other way you saw the bay. On Sunday TIm's sister and her family arrived to share the house with them. We hadn't seen the whole family in a long time and it was the first time we had a chance to spend a significant amount of time with them. They were awesome. Kaity was in
cousin heaven! The ocean was beautiful. I got to go ocean kayaking one day which was so much fun. Something that I really MUST try to make a habit of when given the chance.

One day when I went down the water was as rough as I have ever seen the ocean. Ironically, I can't tell you when I have ever felt more at peace than standing in water that as deep as my calves had the power to knock me over. I was overwhelmed by the scriptures that just flooded my mind standing there staring at this huge, swelling, churning mass of water. I thought about the disciples on the boat when Jesus calmed the storm. I thought of Heb 6:19 "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul firm and secure" (ok i couldn't have told you the reference at that exact moment but the verse was there. ) I thought of Christ as our strong tower that we can run to. Psalm 107: 29b "the waves of the sea were hushed". I mean seriously looking at that ocean (thanks to Gustav). And thinking of God 'hushing' that. It was awe-inspiring. I don't nearly have the literary talent to put what that moment was into words. You could NOT miss the realization of how small you were in God's creation but how in control HE was, and if He could hush the waves with a word how much more is HE capable of calming the storms that come up in my life? Internally or from outside forces?
The week was over too soon, and reality is always waiting isn't it? I came back to a house that looked like a vacation bomb had exploded--which had ignited a clothing bomb--which all exploded over what was left after a dog hair bomb had gone off!!! I came back to spiritual battles, ministry demands, family conflicts, life requirements. Even political concerns. It's all still here. But you know what? That moment on the beach between me and my All-Powerful God---that's still with me. He knew what strength I was going to need to face the good, and the rough from this fall and coming year and I think that maybe He knew that I needed word from HIm to let me know that He was going to be there and ready and able to calm the storms if they ever got too rough for me to handle.
I didn't mean to turn this into a discussion part of my spiritual journey. I was really just going to talk about my vacation but my mind always takes me back to that day when I think of what was significant about that trip.
Were back now, I have vacuumed up the dog hair, washed and put away most of the clothes, cleaned the house--and now we are excited to face what the fall and the coming year hold for us!!
I'm so proud of you dear sissy for your wonderful approach to the end of your beloved summer!! Can't wait to see what God has in store for us this year. :-) LOVE YOU!!
*sighs* I miss the summer just listening to you talk about yours.
Although, truthfully, I'm glad for some cool weather again.
I do look forward to next summer though. They are just so much fun with kiddos who enjoy the summery activities!
Cute entry and adorable pictures!
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