Have you guys heard about the waterfalls in NYC? You can read all about it. It involves four "waterfalls" in lower Manhattan at the cost of $15 million dollars. I had heard about it when the project was first introduced and thought it was a neat concept. So when plans for my mom's birthday involved a trip around Manhattan via the Hudson on a boat I was very excited that I was going to get a chance to see them.
Well the boat ride around Manhattan was AWESOME. 

Lots of beautiful things to see,
GREAT way to see Manhattan.

The waterfalls on the other hand? Somewhat disappointing. I would have to go so far as the say cheesy. I mean it's scaffolding with water pipes spewing water out the top. When they talk about the project they say things about it being quintessential New York because scaffolding is such a part of the city. (??) So is pigeon poop. I think it's their way of saying that they had a cool concept but couldn't come up with a better way of implementing it.

I can't believe I wasn't able to go.... :-( How fun that must have been.
Kind of strange for sure. NYC is known for a lot of great (and not so great) things. But if I want waterfalls-I want the mountains with cascading snow run off! Not river water running off scaffolding. To each their own I guess. I've never been able to appreciate abstract art! Now the cows and statues on parade-THOSE I've enjoyed. :)
Those of us left behind during the boat trip thoroughly enjoyed our own water activities. :) I'm so glad everyone enjoyed themselves so much.
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