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Sometimes that face that projects on a house seem to be never ending can be a bit frustrating. Sometimes, I have to admit I find the projects exciting. This spring my house is getting quite the face lift because are getting a new roof! And not just any new roof a standing seam metal roof. It is apparently very green and eco-friendly which means we get a $1500 tax credit for installing it. It also lasts for 50 years which is roughly 3x longer than your average shingle roof. Other huge things that it had going in it's favor was that my husband can install it, AND we got most of the material for free. :-) Some of the things that it had NOT going in it's favor was that since we are installing it ourselves I have had to find myself on the top of a fairly high roof, leaning out over the edge in order to hold a piece of metal on while my husband attaches it. *shudders* that is not exactly my favorite but what are you going to do? I will keep posting pictures as more of the final picture emerges but here are some pictures of the first real day of roofing.