All right the title is a
litttle dramatic but after a lot of talk and discussion and prayer, it is weird to have hard evidence that this trip to Africa is going to happen. WE bought our tickets this morning!!! There is no turning back...We are leaving April 21st and returning May 5th. We are flying into Mt. Kilimanjaro airport.

We will be spending the first few days to a week in En Gedi. The Timo-aim headquarters in Tanzania. That will give us time to learn all about how Timo works and to get our bodies adjusted to Africa time. They are 8 hours ahead of us and our flight to get there is about 22 hours all told so I am thinking they know what they are doing when they don't throw us right into working!
After that, there were several options as to where we would be going for the actual work site but it is looking like we are going to be going into Southern Sudan. Our missions pastor said it was 'interesting' to fly into the airport in Southern Sudan because you fly in going up the mountain to slow the plane down and you leave the airport flying downhill to get up enough speed for flight! I am thinking interesting might be the understatement of the year!
Our goal while we are there is to get as far as we can in building accommodations for a timo missionary who will be living there full time to minister to the people of Southern Sudan.
I can't begin to tell you how exciting it is to even THINK about being a part of something like this!

THe two weeks by themselves are exciting enough and for most of us a once in a lifetime opportunity. But for me and Tim as we look around to see if maybe this is something that we are looking to commit to long term the stakes go even a little higher!
The hardest part right now is thinking of leaving my kids stateside while we go over there. We have never been away from them for more than two NIGHTS at at time and now we are looking at two WEEKS!
Alright well....keep us in your thoughts and prayers PLEASE...we leave two weeks from tomorrow.!!!! TANZANIA HERE WE COME.